Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Ultrasound...

So, on Monday, my last pre-natal appointment with Dana, she asked me if I would be disappointed if I had a girl. I should have known that was an omen. The standard answer applies, of course we wouldn't be upset at all and since we actually had a girl's name all ready and no boy's name, yet. So, that part would be easier---she'll pop out already named. The only real "problem" would be getting girly clothing out and putting away all the boys things I had washed and hanging in the closet (which my fabulous mother-in-law did for me as soon as she arrived at my house).
She then tells me that the last 2 births she attended were girls when, in fact, she had thought they would be boys. Something about seeing a tailbone and not a penis. Yet another omen I failed to see and understand.
As soon as she was born I asked her gender. No, not if she was healthy or all the proper appendages--her gender was most important. Dana wouldn't tell me but wanted me to look for myself. It wasn't until she was out and laying in front of me that I removed the towel penis. I literally laughed out loud. My mom ran to the baby's room to find something for HER to wear. The super cute boy pjs just wouldn't cut it.

1 comment:

Leigh Hope Fountain said...

Congratulations!!! ( A bit belated. Sorry)