Sunday, January 07, 2007

What does this mean?

During the first week of the new year, our family takes our yearly vacation. Needless to say, we all look forward to that week with much anticipation. We went several miles north of Winter Park and the fun YMCA ranch for our week long hiatus and had a ball! They have every outdoor sport imaginable there minus downhill skiing and it suited us just fine!
However, this year I saw this sign and I just don't get it. Do our kidneys need a vacation? Well, maybe yours do but mine are a-okay.

It is a dialysis center but, frankly, if you need dialysis that badly, shouldn't you stay home? I mean, are you really going to go through your painful and tedious kidney dialysis then jump into your ski pants and go snowshoeing? Yes, some people go on vacation to placate their family but insisting that very ill people go with family to the mountains eventhough they need serious medical attention seems bizarre. Call me crazy.

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