I've wanted a tattoo since I was a junior in high school. I've always known what I wanted (a butterfly outline) and where I wanted it (on my leg)...I was just too chicken to ever actually get one. Now I realize that it was good I couldn't bring myself to do it because my hubby absolutely hates tattoos. And since he'd see it more than I would, his vote counts.
But with pregnancy, my inhibitions leave me and I got tattooed this morning. Okay, it's just henna and will be gone in about 6 weeks (plus really ugly as soon as the baby is born) but for now, I think I'm cool. And that is all that matters!
But I will take an opportunity to try to convince everyone I konw who is getting pregnant or is now, to get a tatoo on their bellies. The thing about pregnancy that I don't understand is that all pregnant women are truly beautiful to all other pregnant women. But when I am pregnant I'm a fat cow. I know it's partly just feeling like a blob of poo when we get to full term, but our self-image is pitiful. And this little tattoo, this symbol, makes me feel cute and a little fun. Even with my pathetic stretch marks. (I don't recommend you blow this photo up any more!)
I LOVE your sunflower! I wish I had done something like that because I didn't just feel like a big blob of poo - I was one! I'm sure a fun symbol on my belly would have been fun! Take Care and I want to see a post AS SOON AS that baby pops out! --Suzann
Tee hee hee! Thanks! It's just such a fun thing to do. And I promise that I will post and email as soon as I can get out of bed (which should only be a few hours!).
ewwww.... I was pretty relieved when I realized it's not permanent.
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