And if you have any suggestions about the name, please feel free to pipe up. I'd like something with 5 letters and European sounding that matches my kids' names. There's nothing like an herculean task to take the mind off your worries!
"For anyone who is alone, without God and without a master, the weight of days is dreadful." Albert Camus
Here's a pick for the name: Andries (Dries for short). I like Thijs too. Dutch enough for you?
So Happy for you! Yay, I love boys! I'll be writing you soon.
Soooo happy for you guys! Yay, I love boys! I'll be writing you soon.
Joren, Dirk (Diirk?), Calle, Pelle, Konrad, Robin, Kaffe,...
ok trying to leave a comment here, this is a test because I tried to leave one on this entry already. here goes...
Congratulations! The first name that popped into my head (unbidden, in fact) was Dante...but that probably wouldn't go along well with your other children's names, and I doubt it would really be a nice name anyway.
You're quite welcome for the computer and the square dancing! Especially with the computer: I wasn't using it for that much of the conference time, and I figure it's good to follow the advice of John the Baptist in Luke 3:11 :-)
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