Friday, March 07, 2008

The Benefits of Driving Drunk

Okay, I was going to spare you all this tragic tale only because it's a bit tedious and, well, boring. But, today, the story turned a corner that made it absolutely hilarious and horrific at the same time.

After the sad car accident the responding officer told me that my driver's licence has been suspended for the last year--since March 2007. Apparently, I forgot to pay a $50 fine to the Colorado Department of Revenue from a speeding ticket. Okay, so my driving record is a bit sketchy. My mother cries everytime she thinks about me driving with her grandchildren in the car.

I called the Department of Revenue today to find out how long it will take to get my licence back and she told me 3 weeks. THREE WEEKS!!! Yikes! I'm stuck at home for 3 weeks with 4 children under the age of 6. This was not good news. But here comes the interesting part. Had I had a DUI I could've gotten a probationary driver's licence but because I had just a summons then I am stuck without hope for 3 weeks. Had I been drunk at the scene then I would be happily back on the road right now.

I guess now we know what's wrong with Colorado drivers.


Kristie Norman said...

Oh My!
I'm so glad no one was hurt, (and sort of sorry for laughing about it all), but geesh, who can read a post like this and not love you, Girl?
Your realness is what's wonderful.
We love and miss you guys,


cj said...

Don't you think it's time to tackle your goal of getting a photo of the four kits together again? We need an update!